
Text-to-Speech, Text To Speech API
Text-to-Speech, Text To Speech API
Text-to-Speech, Text To Speech API
Text-to-Speech, Text To Speech API
Text-to-Speech, Text To Speech API
Text-to-Speech, Text To Speech API
Text-to-Speech, Text To Speech API

Want your message to be heard? Create synthesized speech audio messages from plain text input with Text to Speech and dispatch them through Routee’s RESTful API.

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Plan multilingual

You want to reach audiences in multiple countries and cultures? Don’t worry, Routee allows you to localize your Text to Speech messages with our extensive language support, including among others, English (both British and US), French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Greek, Italian, Turkish, Japanese and many more. You can select between male and female reader for your text, too!

Human voice

With Routee’s Text to Speech, you get to choose from a variety of different voices and your users/customers will hear a human-like linguistic accuracy, with correct readout, punctuation, breaks of any type of text input, including math data, map data and local person names.

your progress.

With Routee’s Text to Speech, you can track every voice message in real-time and get intermediate and final delivery reports that enable you to confirm message statuses. You may extract reports based on your criteria.

Text-to-Speech, Text To Speech API


Once you have upgraded your Voice communication with Text to Speech, you should upgrade your Call Center as well. Get rid of your old and outdated hardware and try Routee’s Cloud IVR with no additional infrastructure installation.

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