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Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology enables businesses to enhance their customer experience. It allows companies to expand their services and support customers’ needs. Latter improvements in technology have allowed more and more companies to use TTS.

What is the TTS technology?

Text-to-speech (TTS) is a model of technology that reads text aloud. It takes the written text and converts it to speech format. You only have to click a button or even just use your fingerprint and TTS will transform written words from any digital device to audio.

Text-to-Speech benefits

  • Helps make your content available to people with certain challenges, such as learning disabilities, visual impairments, or literacy challenges
  • Multitasking can also be a challenge, so TTS is helpful for people on the go.
  • Helps a business to reach a larger customer base and helps businesses get more positive feedback.
  • Facilitates reaching customers in multiple languages across different countries, enabling businesses to reach out to customers on a more personalized level.
  • Makes automated telephone calls appear more human and interactive, building a positive brand image for a business.
  • Minimizes mistakes by enabling companies to monitor the message that has been input and presents more efficiency.
  • Reduces manual intervention by automating routine processes, thereby allowing a support team to concentrate on more important queries
  • Allows better customer experience by helping businesses to provide secure and effective customer service.

Real-life applications of Text-to-Speech

In order to reach bigger audience websites are becoming speech – enable. That’s the most usual example of TTS technology. Yet, there are many other ways to use this technology across different sectors.


Banking and finance

People that have a problem with reading screens can improve their banking experience with Text- to – Speech. One of the most apparent examples is that it can help ATM customers. Also, it can help customers remove cash, make deposits and check their accounts.
Text to speech can also help banking customers have a better user experience. When people are on the go text – to – speech can really help them use services like stock prices or checking balance.

Health care sector

Supporting elderly or vulnerable patients is the focus of the businesses in healthcare. Enabling voice messages makes it easier for elderly people to receive and understand a message. For example, a business can use TTS to send appointment reminders to patients or even send voice messages that read prescription labels.
For older people and people who are visually impaired reading labels can be really hard. Sending dosage amounts and times with a voice message can be really helpful for them. Also, consider options like voice feedback from health monitors, medical devices, and so on.

Transportation and travel

TTS is great for people on the go. It helps provide passengers with the information they need to safely reach their destination. Passengers on the move need real-time information, and of course, voice announcements help. Voice notifications about flight changes or delays help in delivering an optimized customer experience.


Businesses in marketing and advertising integrate TTS technology into their marketing efforts to perform automated personalized calls to segmented audiences and promote related products, services, and events. When it comes to advertising, reaching customers on their preferred channels via their preferred method boosts engagement.

Are you ready to embrace the future?

Are you ready to scale your global voice? TTS is thriving worldwide and is expected to witness significant growth in 2022. Routee has the ideal TTS solutions you need to promote offers and discounts with personalized voice messages.
Use Routee’s extensive language coverage and communicate with clients wherever they are.

Grow your business with Routee's Text to Speech Services