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Why does your business need Telegram?

From 2013 when it came into life, Telegram has become one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world.

According to 2021 data, Telegram has exceeded 500 million active users worldwide and is expected to reach 1 billion users by 2022. Its worth is estimated at $30 billion. Its success is in large part due to its convenience, reliability, and safety.

At first glance, all messaging apps are similar. Yet, like all other messaging apps, Telegram too has benefits that businesses across industries can take advantage of:

  • 8.7% of the population is an active Telegram user
  • 55.2 million daily active users
  • 15 billion daily messages sent
  • Easy entry point for brands via the Discover area
  • Messages are heavily encrypted and can self-destruct
  • Fast delivery of messages. Faster than any other application
  • Unlimited size of media and chats
  • Κeeps messages safe from hacker attacks
  • Groups can hold up to 200,000 members

Businesses and brands are still quite unsure of what and how to communicate on Telegram despite the above benefits. To better understand how Telegram can work in practice, here are just some examples of how it is being used across industries.

Use of Telegram across industries

Travel & Hospitality

The travel and hospitality industry have started to invest in Telegram bots. As travelers use mobile phones and messaging more than ever, chatbots can create unique and wholesome experiences, ranging from engaging with current customers to generating, nurturing, and converting leads. Here are some ways it has been used by the industry:

  • Price tracking – Price tracking is an important step in the travel process. That’s why there is a variety of such chatbots for travel and hospitality. Bots that can find the cheapest flights and track their prices or bots that can track the prices of a hotel a traveller wants to stay at and inform them of price changes with alerts.
  • Flight and booking assistance – Facilitating a simple user experience and assisting them to make a booking and make changes to a reservation without filling out forms or browsing aggregators, is a convenient way to interact with travellers on Telegram.
  • Travel tips – Telegram chatbots can also be used to inform and educate customers on a variety of issues regarding their trip. From tips on getting ready before to destination overviews, places of interest and city highlights.

E-commerce sites

Telegram offers e-commerce sites security, data protection, while it also enhances their independence so they can be trustworthy and provides simplicity so they can be widespread. These are some ways it has been used by the industry:

  • Sales and Offers – Using Telegram, e-commerce businesses can promote products and offers that can lead to a purchase, by forward coupons and flash sales, and communicate promotions and new items leading to purchases prospects. By creating affiliations with various networks a business can increase the dissemination of their offer and achieve greater reach.
  • Direct Payments – By using Payments 2.0, merchants can accept payments directly in chats, channels and groups, enabling sales directly during communication with followers. This is especially handy for small e-commerce businesses that can even create a simple store in Telegram, showcasing products and letting customers purchase them directly within the app, both on mobile and desktop.
  • Customer service – When customers have a complex query, they want to be assisted instantly. Messaging apps like Telegram allow businesses to have real-time conversations and are excellent for customer service. Also, since Telegram offers unlimited media, you can send a video to answer queries that can be easily resolved with visual aids, such as furniture assembly questions.

Media Οutlets

Α number of media outlets are looking for ways to draw subscribers and build an audience. Due to its secure nature, many Telegram users have an increased sense of trust in media channels that use the platform. Media outlets can gain important benefits from using it as Telegram channels are an effective tool for monitoring the news.

  • Content distribution – With such wide reach, it is obvious why Telegram has such an important role in content distribution for news media. Companies use it to broadcast their content via channels and chat bots, with the hope to generate traffic to their sites. Channel subscribers see everything a media site posts in chronological order, so reach and user engagement depend on story quality and ability to build an audience and not on some algorithm for exposure.
  • Τarget wider audience – Telegram attracts a somewhat different demographic from other messaging apps and it is very popular among young consumers. It offers a direct way to reach young consumers, who are also willing and able to pay for media content.


Educators are continuously looking for innovative ways to aid the learning process and enhance student interaction. Nowadays, the use of mobile phones has an essential part in students’ lives worldwide. Here are some examples of how it has been applied:

  • Dissemination of information – The creation of Telegram groups for classroom discussions can maximize the learning process. With an interesting and appropriate context for students, it is possible to make them curious and spark excitement to increase involvement in classroom discussions. For example, Telegram groups can positively impact reading, solving students’ laziness. In addition, by encouraging students to share books they enjoyed with their classmates they can maximize the value of the group.
  • Improving pronunciation – Telegram’s voice feature can greatly help students improve their speaking and pronunciation skills by recording their answers in chats.

    As it is considered to be very user-friendly, Telegram is a great tool for online accent-training programmes. Students can easily record their assignments with the click of a mic button and speak into the microphone on their phone.

Ready to launch your presence on Telegram?

Telegram can be a valuable marketing ally for businesses across industries. A lot of businesses across industries have recognized its potential to create a secure and safe environment for them to interact with their customers. Like with all such apps, it cannot be the one and only messaging app in your marketing strategy, but it can work in synergy with other tools to support you in achieving your goals.

By teaming up with an established provider, like Routee, businesses can garner several benefits and they can be sure that their investment will achieve their goals.

Grow your business with Routee's Messaging Services