Use cases

, Commerce Example 3

The problem

Online shopping cart abandonment has become a serious issue for Mark and Jane’s e-shop, since last year. Unless they take the right measure to prevent their sales fall, they take serious risks concerning their revenue.

Analysis of the problem

Most people show their interest in a product by placing it in the e-shops shopping cart. That doesn’t actually mean that they are going to buy it.

This occurs as customers:

Lack of interest in creating an account on an e-shop.

Usually find extra costs (shipment, taxes etc.) extremely high or might face website errors.

Forget about the products in the cart.

, Commerce Example 3

Routee’s Solution

Routee embraces e-shop owners and suggests a solution that will prevent cart abandonment and encourage visitors to action. Send Transactional E-mails and remind your customers about forgotten products to their cart and try to reengage them in order to finish the transaction.

, Commerce Example 3

You need a platform that:

Sends automatically personalized E-mails about their abandoned shopping carts.

Provides you with rich media capabilities.

Maximizes your ROI.

Measures the results of your communication.

Send millions of emails without deliverability issues.

, Commerce Example 3

Routee can

Analyze your customers’ behavior, segment this data and send personalized content

Boost your sales by 10-20%.

Offer suggested items for additional purchase

Convert leads into paying customers.

Upgrade to Routee today!